Basic Information / White Paper
according to the Liechtenstein Tokens and Trusted Technology Service Provider Act (TVTG) for the public offering of the YHDL Token,
a Ethereum and Solana Blockchain based token.
Token Issuer according to TVTG: YHDL AG
Date of the Basic Information: August 20, 2024
The Token Issuer according to TVTG is the YHDL AG raising funds in the name and for the account of itself. YHDL AG is a limited company incorporated in the principality of Liechtenstein, with the registered office and seat at the correspondence address, รulestrasse 74, 9490 Vaduz, and accepts responsibility for the contents of this Basic Information and declares that as at the date of this Basic Information, to its knowledge, the information provided is correct and no material circumstances have been omitted. All contributions, including contribution for the YHDL Tokens involve certain risks including the total loss of contributed funds. Potential buyers should read the contents of this Basic Information in its entirety prior to making a purchase decision.
YHDL AG, รulestrasse 74, 9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein, represented by Julian Grech, Board Member
These crypto-asset Basic Information / White Paper have not been approved by any competent national authority in any Member State of the European Union. The offeror of the crypto-asset is solely responsible for the content of these crypto-asset Basic Information / White Paper.
These crypto-asset Basic Information / White Paper comply with applicable laws (TVTG, MiCAR) and, to the best of the knowledge of the management body, the information presented in the crypto-asset Basic Information / White Paper is fair, clear and not misleading and the crypto-asset Basic Information / White Paper makes no omission likely to affect its import.
Last updated